Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

iseng iseng ama bule yakk baca message gue ama dia

ardhana: you delete me on facebook? you're a liar
enes: no I'm not a liar. An error has been
ardhana: really? and I already love to you and you begin to drop the sense that :(
enes: you got me wrong. I really was accidental. I also liked you.
enes: I also don't tell lie
ardhana: thank you :D me too liked you :D
enes: thank you
enes: could not speak with you at all :(
ardhana: yes same with me, I too want to talk to you too
enes: I do I open each evening at eight o'clock
ardhana: okayy i wait you :)
enes: we not talk to?...(
enes: You´re like teardrops in my eyes You are the sun that always shines
You are the one i ever needed – i love you still – i hope you hear it!
ardhana: I could hear it but I can not fall in love with you, because we are different cities and countries

yak yak yak itulah keisengan saya dengan bulee hahahaha

hahaha lucu yaaa baru kali ini ada cowo yang bilang gitu ke gue

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